martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Semester projects schedule

This schedule is subject to change based on professor and classmates suggestions

September 24
T o present another sequence of the opening with the train trying new framing, fading and color. To improve the quality of the slammed door’ sound effect. Also, to show the first eleven lines of the poem with its respective photographs.

October 1
The total amounts of photographs needed for this short are 39. Up to date I have 16 photographs that visually represent or suit what the poem’s lines suggest. For this day I will try to have ready the rest of photographs and I’ll make a slide show in which everyone appears with the respective poem’s line to discuss the appropriateness of the matching.

October 8
Having by then a definite set of pictures based in class suggestions I’ll present a rendered version of the final piece.

October 15
To present the outline of my second project to the class, this one is called “The Demons”. Here both Spanish and English versions of the poem.

Los demonios

"Están aquí
No abras los ojos: no se ven
El aliento entumecido: La ausencia
Te quieres liberar pero no puedes
El miedo detrás del miedo
Y sueñas con demonios que te gritan:
-"párate a llorar, párate a llorar, párate a llorar"
Te ves a ti mismo: postrado: poseso
No te mueves: Rigor mortis
El estrado de la noche
Un espanto sentado en tu pecho
Sin un cuchillo visitarás el infierno
Solo: condenado al silencio
A lado y lado cancerberos vigilan tu ensueño
Bastaría un respiro para sofocar el miedo
Nuestro encanto se convierte en duda
Nuestra certeza es un ánfora vacía)
No sos más
Los demonios estiran sus alas blancas: te miran
Aún no has muerto: sólo esperas
Debes cruzar una pared de fuego con este cuerpo
Están aquí: no se ven
Los demonios se burlan y te gritan de frente:
-"párate a llorar, párate a llorar, párate a llorar"
Pero no puedes: es inútil el gesto
Te ves allí: casi muerto: casi muerto
Como una fruta del infierno: quieto: sin remedio
Los demonios esperan: rigor mortis
Tu cuerpo de hielo"

The Demons
“They are here
Eyes shut: you can’t see them
The breath stunned: The absence
You want to get free: but you can’t
The fear behind the fear
And you dream with demons screaming at you:
“Stand up and cry stand up and cry stand up and cry”
You see yourself: prostrated: possessed
You can’t move: rigor mortis
The stand of the night
Horror is sitting on your chest
Without a knife you will visit the hell
Alone: silence condemned
Side by side Cerberus will guard your dream
A breath would be enough to suffocate the fear
Our enchantment became hesitation
Our certitude an empty amphora)
You are not any longer
The demons stretch their white wings: staring at you
Still alive: just waiting
You have to cross a firewall with your body
They are here: not visible
The demons make fun of you screaming:
-“Stand up and cry stand up and cry stand up and cry”
But you can’t: the gesture is pointless
You see at yourself: almost dead, almost dead
As a fruit of the hell: immobile: not remedy
The demons are waiting: rigor mortis
Your body of ice”

This piece, as the first one, takes the poem’s reading rhythm as the axis of the editing. Based on the poem’s content, the reading is intended to be slower. This feature allows me to work with both photography and video.
I see this one as an exercise on film adaptation. The poem is not as visual as “It is an abyss”. The text imagery requires the elaboration of a script. For this date I’ll present a script of the possible photographs and video that might be suitable.

October 22
Based on class discussion of the script, I’ll try to have a final version of the script and the reading audio file.

October 29
Based on the script I’ll know by then which of the images are going to be photographs and which video. (I have already supposed 18 photographs and 17 videos. These videos are very short in length; I guess an average of two to three seconds as much). For this day, I expect to have ready all the still images for class discussion.

November 5
To present at least a third part of the videos to class.

November 12
To present this first part of the videos with the improvements pointed on class. Also to show the other third of videos.

November 19
To show the final third and a draft of the whole video for class evaluation.

November 26

December 3
Final version of the video should be rendered and ready for exhibition.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

September 10

The main objective of my project is to find a visual way to represent poems.
The first component of the creative process is intended to be the poems reading. The rhythm is taken as the axis of the procedure. (Rhythm understood as a sequence of cadences, velocities, silences) The images have to accompany but not necessarily illustrate the poems imagery. The purpose is to transmit not the literal meaning of the poems through images, but to create new insights in order to communicate a broader poetic experience.
The poem to be featured transmit a feeling of vertigo through images related to vivid images of life, paradoxical perceptions on common beliefs, dramatic situations, etc. As the imagery of the poem expresses the personal perceptions of the world, the visual representation will be focused on the personal space: objects, walls, doors, and belongings, all kind of things that surround, stimulate and fill the conscience of the poetic subject.
For the first draft of this project I will use a photo sequence of the elements mentioned above. The purpose is tracking the views of the subject and to create a conscience of the world in which he is immerse. As the rhythm of the reading is fast it implies fast transitions between the photos. The purpose is to create a vertigo feeling in a 50 seconds video.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009

September 5

Here some examples of works related to my project.

Concrete poetry


En el oscuro jardin del manicomio/Asylum's dark garden

This is the poem that is going to be the basis for the first project. It is written originally in Spanish. The English translation is at the bottom


Es un abismo
Es un abismo
Es un abismo
Esto es un abismo

Saber y no hacer nada un abismo
Querer y no poder un abismo
Ir tras de ti y no encontrarte un abismo
Es un abismo

La sed sin el sosiego un abismo
La pregunta y la respuesta un abismo
Esa mirada suplicante del condenado un abismo
También la luz del mediodía un abismo
Es un abismo

El pan sin levadura y la levadura sin pan un abismo
El otro el otro el otro un abismo
La burbuja en la felicidad del niño un abismo
La idea de Dios a las tres de la tarde un abismo
Es un abismo

Así en la paz como en la noche un abismo
Los ojos castaños muertos de la abuela un abismo
La soledad del loco en la celda un abismo
Lo mismo que yo que escribo un abismo
Es un abismo

El luto de las viudas desgraciadas un abismo
El pájaro que murió en el intento un abismo
La hoja que cae como el otoño al abismo
El último beso de tu madre una tarde un abismo

Es un abismo
Es un abismo
Es un abismo
Nuestro abismo
Un abismo.



It is an abyss
it is an abyss
it is an abyss
This is an abyss

To know and doing nothing an abyss
To want and not being able an abyss
To follow you never reaching you an abyss
It is an abyss

The thirst without the water an abyss
The question and the answer an abyss
That imploring look of the condemned an abyss
Also the midday light an abyss
It is an abyss

The unleavened bread and the yeast without bread an abyss
The other the other the other an abyss
The bubble in the happiness of the boy an abyss
The idea of God at three o’clock an abyss
It is an abyss

In the peace as in the night an abyss
The brown death eyes of the grandma an abyss
The solitude of the crazy in his cell an abyss
The same as me writing an abyss
It is an abyss

The mourning of the disgraced widows an abyss
The bird who die in the first try an abyss
The leave falling as the autumn to the abyss
The last kiss of your mother someday afternoon an abyss

It is an abyss
it is an abyss
it is an abyss
our abyss
an abyss


September 3

This is a series of questions related to my visualization project.

-What visual process or methodology will allow the translation/adaptation of poetic imagery into film imagery?
-How to synchronize visual and poetic content in order to transmit or the same feeling?
-Can the same feeling be transmitted despite or through different means?
- How to set a mood that represents what was intended in poetry but through visual content?
-Which parameters will be used to balance the amount/intensity/tempo of the elements involved reading/voice; images/photos-film; sound; effects?
-Which might be the role of words, when are they necessary?
-What it implies to make visual what it is textual and oral.
-How to impact with visual content in the same way poetry can impact with voice?
-Which are the cognitive process related to oral communication and visual communication and how it is when oral and visual come together?